My Favorite COCM Story: Greg Luscko Director of Operations at Brottier and St. Martin Halls Duquesne University


“I was surprised when I first received my COCM e-mail address to have over 30 unread messages.  While of a few of these were about human resources and general e-mail blasts, the vast majority were from other site directors, ADs, and home office staff with personalized welcome messages to me.  When an e-mail went out stating that I was hired for the position with my e-mail account, all of these staff members, whom I’d never met, took a few minutes out of their day to wish me the best in my new role.  To have that happen even before I completed my first day of work gave me a better understanding of the personal approach that COCM tries to provide.  Never before had I felt so assured in my decision to work for an organization.” Greg Luscko COCM’s Director of Operations for Brottier and St. Martin Halls on the campus of Duquesne University

Greg’s post is a part of COCM’s 20th Anniversary Celebration, with the month of October focusing on favorite stories of our COCM team members.