
Landscaping Woes? Get Some Goats!

The staff at Towson Place Apartments had some landscaping to do, so they hired some help. Gretchen Smutney, the site director, had recently seen an article in the Baltimore Sun about how their school found a creative and environmentally smart way to manage overgrowth and invasive plants. They brought in goats, who will, over time, get rid…

Six Keys to Selecting an Architect

 With so many architectural firms to choose from, how can you be sure of which firm is the best fit for your project? If you’ve ever been involved in the design phase of a building/residence hall project, you’ll know that picking the right architect firm is critical.  TurnerBatson Architects recently posted a helpful article on their…

Thinking About Move-Out

As housing professionals, this is the time of year when we need to be thinking about move out.  Our days and nights may instead be filled with end of the year awards ceremonies, good bye dinners and last minute reports.  But a little focus on move-out can make life easier over the next few weeks.…