
Gens X, Y, & Z and the “Academic Workplace”

  The Chronicle of Higher Education recently featured an article entitled “How Generations X, Y, and Z May Change the Academic Workplace.” College campuses are home to a variety of generations of students, faculty, and staff.  More senior faculty and staff may be a part of the Baby Boomer generation, characterized by hard work and grittiness.  Many…

Colleges Get Creative with Fundraising

This is a fascinating article about how colleges are now using crowdfunding to reach a younger pool of potential donors.  Note how the College of Holy Cross raised nearly $2 million in less than 48 hours.

Fantastic Infographic on Millenials

A well done infographic is one that can visually tell a story. I ran across one the other day that I thought was very interesting, and applicable to things we talk about on this blog: Millenials. It gives  statistics on who they are, how they spend, where they live, etc. You may be able to…

Marketing to Millennials

I recently saw this article on my Multifamily Insiders blog on LinkedIn, and while it was broadly written for the multifamily housing market, I believe it has an extreme amount of relevance to campus student housing as well. For instance – how many campuses have their Housing web page optimized for use by their residents…